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"Tell your story or someone else will."

    - Dr. Brent Clark


Brand Your School With Its Own Stories defines this challenge and presents a remarkably clear resolution that has been hiding in plain view. Spoiler alert: The solution to our troubled education narrative lies in our own positive narrative—our stories. This book is an indispensable, whiff-of-coffee wake-up call for the age of the superintendent-community communicator. Its lessons in reclaiming trust and engaging community is for educational leaders everywhere who have lost their school’s positive narrative in the white noise of the public square or have seen it sliced, diced, and mercilessly co-opted across social media.

Author, Craig Howe Williams

Craig is husband to Shawna and father of three—Evan, Tivoli, and Bronx. New Jersey-born and Midwest-raised, he proudly identifies as a ‘treehouse dad,’ advocate for kids, lively storyteller, and unrepentant questioner of convention. After multiple school board terms and a family relocation for his eldest son’s secondary education, he had an epiphany: solid, story-based communication—and the trust and engagement it fosters between schools and their communities—could be the key to driving stronger outcomes for kids.


Williams holds an MBA from Washington University in Saint Louis where he lives today with two Golden doodles, a cat named Ziggy, and his human family.



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“The storytelling strategies Craig outlines are not just insightful; they’re essential

for any leader who wants to strengthen their school-community connection.”


       — Shannon Anderson, Superintendent, Momence #1


“Craig’s storytelling expertise has been a game-changer for our district ever since it

helped us re-establish trust with our stakeholders. This book distills that expertise into practical, actionable guidance every school leader should take to heart.”


     — Jonathan Green, Superintendent, Meridian #101


“A clear and compelling roadmap for educational leaders who want to harness the power of narrative to build stronger, more connected communities. It’s not just a

book—it’s a guide for making measurable, positive impact.”


     — Dr. Jennifer Garrison, Superintendent, Vandalia #203


“A disarmingly powerful toolkit for unifying a community behind its schools—I’ve seen it; it’s impossible for me to un-see it. And that’s critically important to the

success of our kids.”


     — Dr. Steve Smith, Superintendent, Benton #47

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